Madame Eda's online French tuition is an outstanding example how learning and understanding can be such fun and produces brilliant results.


Eda gave my son the opportunity to develop great confidence before his exams in grammar school Y7 and left no question unanswered.


B. has been on Eda's French tuition program for 3 years. She is a very nice teacher with a lot of patient. She always kept my son engage through the lesson by French games and conversation.


Eda's teaching for my daughter is brilliant, she is becoming so much more confident with French, even her teachers are now telling how advanced she is. Eda's teaching is so important and we appreciate it.     A.U

I thank Eda for making my children so much engaged with French. All evening they were singing some French song which I couldn't understand. 


Eda çok nazik, alçak gönüllü ve deneyimlidir. Geçen yıl year 9’a giden ve hayatında hiç Fransızca ile karşılaşmamış oğlumu derledi topladı. İyi bir notla yılı bitirmesini sağladı. Ben inanamadım.



Eda Bilgen'i tavsiye ederim. Kendisi işine aşık, Fransızcayı çok seven ve iletişim gücü kuvvetli bir öğretmendir.


Eda Hanım Fransızca online derslerindeki sabrı, dağılmayan konsantrasyonu ve kararlılığı ile beni şaşırtan, bence öğretmeye aşık bir eğitimci.